Crna Gora je domaćin jednog od najuticajnijih skupova u energetskom sektoru u godini – Energy Week Western Balkans 2024. Ovaj događaj će se održati od 9. do 10. oktobra u ekskluzivnom hotelu Maestral, a pruža priliku regionalnim liderima, energetskim kompanijama , međunarodnim investitorima i kreatorima politika da se okupe i razgovaraju o strategijama za ubrzanje prelaska na korišćenje obnovljive energije.

Vodeća konferencija regiona će sazvati ključne zainteresovane strane iz Crne Gore, Srbije, Sjeverne Makedonije, Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Kosova i Hrvatske, zajedno sa velikim međunarodnim finansijskim institucijama i vodećim svjetskim kompanijama u energetskom sektoru.

Energy Week je strateški događaj za Crnu Goru, koji služi kao ključna platforma za privlačenje investicija vezanih za obnovljivu energiju i podsticanje regionalne saradnje među zemljama Zapadnog Balkana.

Diskusije će se usredsrediti na zakonska rješenja, finansiranje i tehnologiju – ključne stvari koje pokreću energetsku tranziciju u regionu.

Dnevni red konferencije je pomno osmišljen kako bi se pozabavio krucijalnim pitanjima u energetskom sektoru država regiona. Jedan od istaknutih događaja na konferenciji je sesija pod nazivom „Zajedno ka sutrašnjici: Strategije regionalne integracije za unapređenje obnovljive energije na Zapadnom Balkanu“, na kojoj će ministri iz cijelog regiona razgovarati o kritičnom značaju regionalne saradnje.

Još jedna ključna sesija, „Akt o balansiranju: navigacija tranzicijom sa uglja na obnovljive izvore energije naspram prihvatanja strategije korišćenja gasa“, baviće se složenošću isključivanja uglja iz energetskog miksa.

Sa preko 18 GW kapaciteta OIE na raspolaganju, konferencija – je ključna platforma na kojoj će se oblikovati budućnost energetskog sektora u regionu. Polaznici će imati priliku da učestvuju u B2B i B2G sastancima sa najvišim rukovodiocima, kreatorima politika i liderima sa Zapadnog Balkana i šire.

U nastavku objavljujemo članak u cjelosti na engleskom jeziku, zvaničnom jeziku konferencije

Montenegro is gearing up for one of the most influential energy sector gatherings of the year – Energy Week Western Balkans 2024. Set to take place on October 9-10 at the exclusive Maestral Resort, this event is a pivotal opportunity for regional leaders, energy companies, international investors, and policymakers to come together and discuss strategies for accelerating the transition to renewable energy.

The region’s premier conference will convene key stakeholders from Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, and Croatia alongside major international financial institutions and leading global companies in the energy sector.

Energy Week is a strategic event for Montenegro, serving as a crucial platform for attracting investments in renewable energy and fostering regional cooperation among Western Balkan countries, uniting them in their shared commitment to achieving energy security and a greener future. High-level leaders, such as Admir Šahmanović, Minister of Mining, Oil, and Gas, and Milutin Đukanović, Chairman of EPCG, and will be speaking at the event, underscoring its significance.

The discussions will centre on policy, financing, and technology – key pillars essential for driving the region’s energy transition.

The conference agenda is meticulously crafted to address the pressing issues within the region’s energy landscape. A highlight of the event is the session titled “Together Towards Tomorrow: Regional Integration Strategies for Renewable Energy Advancement in the Western Balkans,” where ministers from across the region will discuss the critical importance of regional cooperation.

Another pivotal session, “Balancing Act: Navigating the Transition from Coal to Renewables vs. Embracing a Gas Blend Strategy,” will delve into the complexities of transitioning away from coal, featuring among other insights from Dušan Živković, General Director at Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS).

The event will also focus on the future of the region’s energy infrastructure. The session “Future-Proofing the Grid: Investing in Resilience, Renewable Energy, and Storage Technologies,” sponsored by Sungrow, will emphasize the investments necessary to ensure that the grid can support a renewable energy-dominated future. Aleksandar Mijušković, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Crnogorski Elektroprenosni Sistem (CGES), will share his insights on these critical developments.

Addressing the operational challenges that energy projects face in the region, the session “Navigating Market Challenges: From Securing Land to Balancing Conditions” will feature contributions from industry leaders, showcasing also the energy transition journey in Croatia and featuring insights from Dražen Jakšić, CEO of Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) and Ivan Liakh, Croatia Country Director at DTEK Renewables International (DRI).

Regulatory frameworks, essential for accelerating renewable energy adoption, will be the focus of “Shaping Renewable Policies: Dialogue with Western Balkans Regulators”, featuring key regulators such as Branislav Prelević, Resident of the Board, Energy and Water Regulatory Agency of Montenegro, Dejan Popović, President of the Council, Energy Agency of Serbia and Marko Bislimoski, President, Water and Municipal Waste Management Services of the Regulatory Commission of the Republic of North Macedonia (ERC).

The financial aspects of energy projects will be explored in “Unlocking the Potential: Exploring Financing, Bankability, and Revenue Streams in the Western Balkans.” This session will delve into making energy projects bankable and attractive to investors, an essential step for the region’s energy future. Moreover, strategies to build investor confidence will be discussed in “Promoting Investor Confidence: Ensuring Predictability and Fair Treatment,” where legal experts, investors, and government representatives will share their insights on creating a stable and transparent business environment.

Adding to the wealth of knowledge at the event, global and regional leaders at the World Bank, IFC, EBRD, UKEF, and the Green for Growth Fund will provide a global perspective on sustainable development and economic growth in the region. Neda Lazendić (WV International), Rico Koch (NOTUS energy), Mats Lundin (Emergy), Ivan Liakh (DTEK Renewables International) and many other distinguished leaders will share extensive experience from their work on gigawatt-scale solar and wind projects.

With over 18 GW of renewable potential at stake, Energy Week Western Balkans 2024 is more than just a conference – it is a pivotal platform where the future of energy in the region will be shaped. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in B2B and B2G meetings with top executives, policymakers, and thought leaders from the Western Balkans and beyond.

For more information on the event, including the full agenda and registration details, please visit the official website

Ecoportal je prvi crnogorski internet portal koji obrađuje novosti iz oblasti energetske tranzicijie, kako u svijetu tako i u Crnoj Gori.

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